All Unity Research Publisher's journals are Open Access
About Unity Research Publisher
Unity Research Publisher (URP) is a globally recognized academic publishing house dedicated to advancing research across diverse disciplines. Committed to scholarly excellence, URP provides a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed research that contributes to policy, innovation, and academic discourse.
At Unity Research Publisher, we uphold the highest ethical and academic standards, ensuring rigorous peer review, transparent editorial processes, and broad dissemination of knowledge. Our publications are indexed in leading research databases, enhancing global accessibility and impact.
Through Unity Research Publisher, we foster a collaborative academic environment, bridging the gap between research and real-world applications. We invite scholars, institutions, and organizations to collaborate with us in driving intellectual progress and impactful research worldwide. URP proudly publishes a range of following academic journals.
Policy Vanguard
Policy Vanguard is a distinguished biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal committed to advancing critical discussions and scholarly analyses on global policies that shape contemporary societies. As an interdisciplinary platform, the journal provides a space for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to engage with cutting-edge research, fostering a deeper understanding of international affairs, defense strategies, governance, and policy innovations.
Jurisprudential Frontiers
Jurisprudential Frontiers is a prestigious biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the exploration of legal jurisprudence in its broadest sense. The journal serves as a critical platform for scholars, legal practitioners, and policymakers to engage in rigorous analyses of legal theories, judicial interpretations, and evolving principles that shape contemporary legal systems worldwide.
AegisAI is a distinguished biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing research in artificial intelligence (AI), applied sciences, and their transformative impact on technology, industry, and society. As an interdisciplinary platform, the journal serves as a hub for scholars, researchers, and industry professionals to explore the latest developments, ethical considerations, and real-world applications of AI and emerging technologies.
Dynamic Aerospace Innovation
Dynamic Aerospace Innovation is a premier biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing research and innovation in aerospace engineering, aviation technology, and space sciences. As a multidisciplinary platform, the journal provides a forum for researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and policymakers to explore cutting-edge developments that are shaping the future of aerospace technology, defense systems, and space exploration.